Our Religious Education program focuses on the family. Parents are their child's first educator in our Faith and our focus helps parents stengthen their Baptismal promise to bring their child(ren) up in our Faith and to be examples for them as disciples of Jesus.
We currently use A Family of Faith series from Sophia Institute Press-sophiainstituteforteachers.org. It is a four year cycle that focuses on the Pillars of the Catholic Church. The program includes a parent guide and activity book to help our families discuss, learn, grow and actively participate in our Faith. We meet once a month on a Sunday to discuss the month's focus, review, have a family activity and share in fellowship. There is also a monthly parent session via Zoom to discuss more thoroughly the main focuses for that month.
Topics include
Students preparing for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation participate in sacrament preparation classes. Contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Maryann McGinnis, for more information and a schedule of classes at [email protected].
Each year we incorporate a safe environment lesson into our religious education classes as required by our Diocese. We use either the Circle of Grace or Circles of Care, Catholic safe environment programs. Parents will receive information as to when the lessons will be covered. Material and/or homework may come home with your child and need to be returned for the next class. The lessons teach our children to be safe around their family, friends and environment. Examples include who and what they want to invite into their circle; good and bad secrets; internet safety; trusted adults; addressing bullying; moral responsibility; relationships; boundaries and limits; communion of saints; as well as saying no to disrespect. Some of these topics have multiple lessons due to the need for repitition for younger ages and transitional years. The other grades have a focus lesson for the year.