Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion – Assist the priest in administering the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend liturgies, Holy Days and during special liturgies. The priest nominates parishioners to serve as Eucharistic ministers.
Altar Servers – Altar servers play an important role in the celebration of Holy Mass and are valued greatly by the priest and parish communities. All parishioners who have received the Sacrament of Communion are invited to serve at the altar in this ministry.
Lectors – Proclaim God’s word during Mass.
Liturgical Music Ministries – Parishioners enhance the beauty of our liturgies as vocalists, organists and instrumentalists.
Ushers/Greeters – Ushers greet everyone as they enter our churches to celebrate Mass with our parish communities. They also direct the offertory collection, Eucharistic procession and bulletin distribution.
Decorations – Parishioners prepare our churches for liturgical seasons, holy days and special liturgies with beautiful decorations including linens, flowers and special occasion adornment.
Catechists – Parishioners share knowledge and experience of the Catholic faith through our family catechesis and for students preparing to receive sacraments. All catechists complete 8-hours of religious education training and VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children trainings.